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Ministries & Outreach

Church Ministries

Acolyte Ministry

Serving as an Acolyte at the altar is an important role for adults, children and youth.  It provides an opportunity to be involved in worship by assisting the clergy during the church service. 


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild is a special group of caring individuals whose ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the church. Altar Guild members also prepare the sanctuary for services and clean up afterwards.


Children’s Ministry

Jesus made it quite clear that children—all children—matter to God. He values them not only for who they are today, but for what they will become in the future. This is also the goal of Christ the Redeemer Church.


Lay Readers/Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay persons assist the clergy during the service by reading the appointed scriptures for the day, and also by serving as Lay Eucharistic Ministers (serving the communion cup).


Men’s Ministry

Men of the church encourage and nurture each other through activities, fellowship and weekly Bible study.


Music Ministry

Music plays an important role at CTR by creating an atmosphere of praise and worship by ushering in the presence of our Lord vocally and instrumentally, with the ultimate goal of offering praise and worship to God.


Pastoral Lay Eucharistic Ministers (PLEMS)

Lay persons take the Eucharistic (communion) elements to the sick and shut ins who are unable to attend worship.


Prayer Team Ministry

Lay persons pray after the service for anyone who has a prayer need – whether it is physical, emotional or financial.  They are there to agree with your request, because Jesus said, “Where two or more of you are gathered in My name, I am there.”


Prayer Quilt Ministry

Rooted in deep prayer, quilts are made for those with special needs or in crisis.  Threads sewn into the quilt are tied as the clergy, and then members of the congregation, offer prayer for the person who will receive the quilt.


Ushers/Greeter Ministry

Our ushers provide a warm and inviting atmosphere for members and visitors that come to hear the word of God, and to worship at Christ the Redeemer.


Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry is made up of a nurturing community of women from diverse backgrounds, seeking to know the passion and love of Christ, pursuing unity through His love while encouraging each other in spiritual growth.  This is done through our various activities of Bible study, prayer, celebrations, fellowship, worship, ministry, and service, as we celebrate Christ our glorious King.


Youth Ministry

The goal of our Youth Ministry is equipping our youth to represent Jesus in the world by using the Word of God as the foundation and guide, through studies, ministry, and recreation.


Mission & Outreach

Hope in Hand Ministry

The mission of the Hope In Hand Food Pantry of First Christian Church-Rowlett is to provide food to people in the community who are struggling to obtain food. Christ the Redeemer partners with First Christian Church-Rowlett by gathering needed donations, as well as volunteering to distribute food once a month. In this manner, we strive to meet their physical as well as spiritual needs as a tangible way to share the love of God.


Our Daily Bread Homeless Ministry

Those involved with this ministry serve the homeless in the Garland and Dallas areas by gathering donations of food, toiletries, blankets, and clothing and distributing them to those in need.


Pregnancy Resource Center

Christ the Redeemer provides financial support to the Pregnancy Resource Center of Rockwall, as well as participating in their special events to raise funds.  The Pregnancy Resource Center offers a variety of services to provide women with optimal care and information – including pregnancy tests, ultrasounds and counseling.